“Mac Masonry Design did an amazing job on my fireplace refacing! It needed work for many years. They are reliable, honest, hardworking and the skill set to deliver!”
Carl Witmier
Mac Masonry will build a beautiful and functional retaining wall that fits your landscape style and budget.
“Mac Masonry Design did an amazing job on my fireplace refacing! It needed work for many years. They are reliable, honest, hardworking and the skill set to deliver!”
Walls made of stone are constructed without any mortar or filling; stones are simply stacked and this gives the wall its name: ‘dry wall’ or the dry stack approach.
Block Retaining walls are made from man-made concrete blocks are preferred by many for being custom-made to suit specific design needs, as well as being inexpensive and very durable, offering great strength and making it suitable in most applications.